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  • Note: We will only ship this species in the UK and no other countries outside the UK.

    24 Hour delivery included in price for the UK when using standard shipping at checkout. 


    Carebara castanea are very rare ants and are not often sold in Europe. Little is known about their behaviour particularly eating habits.

    During foundation they should not be in a test tube but placed in a pot with soil which is moist so they can make their nest and they do not need feeding during this time. Colonies are usually found with 150-300 workers to start which is quite large the workers are small and yellow compared with the Queens bright red colouration.


    All our queens of this species will be in a pot and will be shipped in a box so someone will have to be in to receive them.

    It is believed in the wild the workers feed on root aphids or perhaps termites and will forage above ground more so at night.


    They will eat honey water and insects in captivity and would do well in a natural setup or Y tong set or other set up with well hydrated nests with wide or deep chambers.


    Any questions about this species Just contact us. 


    Keeping difficulty: Advanced (kept at least 3 or more exotic species of ants)

    Colony form: Monogyne

    Queen size: 18-21mm Bright Red

    Worker’s size: 2-6mm Yellow

    Food: honey water and insects

    Temp: 24-28°C

    Humidity: 60-70%

    Founding: clasutral without feeding

    Colony size: 100-10,000 workers

    Hibernation: No (They would benefit from 6-week diapause from October to March)


    Live arrival guarantee:

    We guarantee the live arrival of your Queen they come well packed in our jiffy bags which have two-sided padding as well as an additional layer of bubble wrap around our test tubes. We are the only company in the United Kingdom to offer our live arrival guarantee of your queen as well as an additional 14-day guarantee if the colony if kept in the original test tube for all our European species. Why do we do this? We are confident with our colony’s health and our packaging process as well as our care guides, we also believe in our customers and making sure they have a good ant keeping experience.


    Live arrival guarantee we ensure the live arrival of the queen only upon delivery contact us within 24 hours of receiving the Queen dead on arrival with a picture of the dead queen and the original workers. DO NOT TRANSFER THE DEAD QUEEN OR WORKERS TO A NEST AS THIS VOIDS YOUR WARRNTY. For our additional 14-day guarantee for European species the Queen and workers must be kept in the original test tube sealed with the cotton and care sheet instructions followed if you want to keep this additional guarantee do not transfer to a nest or your warranty is VOIDED (we recommend you keep the 14-day warranty).


    We have no control over the environment outside the test tube and have no influence in the conditions the responsibility once placed outside the test tube within the 14-day period the responsibility is with the buyer. 9 times out of 10 colonies die in the nest due to lack of water access, food, temperature, oxygen, or stress due to vibrations or exposure to excess light. If your colony does fail inside a nest contact us, we can advise what went wrong but it is up to you to buy another ant colony, you will succeed but sometimes it does not work the first time. Research is key to success with ant keeping and follow our guides.


    Carebara castanea (UK Only)

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